Terms & Conditions

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order, the following general requirements apply to the purchase.

ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR: External provider will assure that employees are aware of proper ethical behavior such as working relationships, fair treatment and confidential reporting of unfair practices.

PROHIBITED PRACTICES: Unauthorized repairs: without PACE’s approval: external provider will not repair by welding, brazing soldering, adhesive or by any method any parts nonconforming, damaged or found to be faulty during fabrication.

CHANGE IN APPROVED PROCESS, MATERIALS OR PROCEDURES: Seller will not change any process, material or procedure without prior approval from PACE.

UNAUTHORIZED SUBMITTAL OF PRODUCTION PARTS: When the purchase order requires acceptance of a first article, external provider will not submit parts from a production run for inspection prior to PACEacceptance of such first article, unless authorized by PACE in writing.

IMPROPER RESUBMITTAL: Articles rejected by PACE, and subsequently resubmitted to PACE will be clearly and properly identified as resubmitted articles. External provider’s shipping document will contain a statement that articles are replacement or are reworked articles and will refer to PACE’s rejection document.

EXTERNAL PROVIDERS: The external provider will not procure items or service from external providers, unless such external provider is approved in advanced by PACE in writing.When required on the purchase order, the external provider will use only customer approved sources. All requirements of these T & Cs will be floPACEd down

RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONFORMANCE: Neither surveillance, inspection and or tests made by PACE or his representatives, at either the external providersor PACE’s facility will relieve the external provider of the responsibility to furnish items which conform to the requirements of the Purchase Order.

DOCUMENTATION: PACE may refuse to accept items delivered under the purchase order if the external provider falls to submit the certification, documentation, test data or reports as specified in the purchase order. Documentation includes source inspection record when source inspection is performed. Certificateof Conformance (CofC) document signed by an authorized individual certifying that items or services meet the specified requirements of the Purchase Order. CofC must include at a minimum: Supplier Name and address, PO number, Part Number, Revision and Quantity.

CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUEST: When a Quality problem exists, PACE will request Corrective action from the external provider. Such requests require timely responses and will include the following information: Analysis of the cause of the problem, statement of the action taken, and the effectivity of the action.

NONCONFORMING MATERIAL CONTROL: The external provider will maintain an effective, documented system for control of nonconforming articles, which include identification, segregation, review and processing of nonconforming articles.

The external provider will not accept nonconforming articles, other than the external provider’s proprietary products, unless authority to conduct Material Review activities has been granted by PACE. External providers of proprietary products will not conduct Material Review action or discrepancies that will result in a departure from the requirements of PACE or customer specifications.External provider will submit non-conformances to PACE’s Quality Manager within two (2) working days, by phone from the date of the discovery and within seven (7) working days by lette.

PRODUCT SAFETY: External providers will assure their contribution to product safety by being accountable, compliance to the process, attention to detail and having the knowledge of the product usage.

RIGHT OF ACCESS: The external provider will permit PACE, PACE’s customer, and cognizant Government agencies to conduct such inspections and audits at suppliers facilities as may be required to verify compliance with PACE Purchase Order requirements, Such facilities and assistance as may be reasonably required to accomplish these inspections will be furnished by the external provider without cost to PACE or its customer.

WARRANTY: External provider expressly warrants that all work, including articles, material and designs, supplied by external provider, will conform to the specifications, drawings, samples or other descriptions set forth in order or furnished by PACE and will be good material and workmanship and free from defect.All work is subject to final inspection and acceptance at PACE’s plant, it being understood that payment therefore shalt not constitute acceptance. Any work which is found to be defective either before or after acceptance maybe rejected and returned to external provider at external provider’s risk and expense for repair or replacement, or if external provider cannot make the repair or replacement in the time required buy the buyer to meet its delivery schedules, for credit at PACE’s option. If PACE finds it impractical to return defective work for rework, repair or replacement within a reasonable time, it may perform necessary repairs and charge the reasonable cost therefore to external provider. Any payments made on any rejected work shall be immediately refunded to PACE.

DELIVERY: Should external provider fail to deliver material within the time specified, PACE may terminate this order in whole or part and may buy else where and charge external provider any additional expense incurred thereby. PACE expressly retains all its rights and remedies provide by law incase of such a default, and no action on the part of PACE shall constitute a waiver of any right or remedy. External provider shall not be liable by reason of any failure to deliver or delay in delivery due to any cause beyond external provider’s reasonable control and with out fault or negligence of PACE.

PACKING: No charge will be allocated for packing, boxing, or cartage, unless agreed upon at the time of purchase, but damage to any material not packed to ensure proper protection will be charged to external provider. Each package must contain a memorandum showing Shipper’s name, contents of package and purchase order number of PACE.

RECORD RETENTION: Supplier will retain all records pertaining to this order for a period of 10 years. If the supplier can not do this for any reason the supplier is to forward all records to PACE. If PACE requires records to be retained longer than 10 years it will be stated on the purchase order. The supplier will contact PACE purchasing department before destroying any records for approval.

SHELF LIFE: No materials with a shelf-life date will be shipped to a PACE purchase order with less than 80% of the full shelf-life as determined by the original manufacturer unless previously approved in writing by PACE.

CALIBRATION: Calibration services providers shall have ANSI/ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation as evidenced by certification from an ILAC MRA signatory (e.g. NVLAP, A2LA or ACLASS). As-found out-of-tolerance conditions found during calibration shall be reported. Identification and documentation of IM&TE standards used in the services provided shall be reported.

CONFLICT MINERALS: AMERICAN CONSUMER PROTECTION (DODD-FRANK) ACT: Acceptance of this PO requires supplier’s legal compliance, proper reporting and controls when purchasing or using Gold (Au), Tin (Sn), Tantalum (Ta), Tungsten (W) in products supplied to US.

COUNTERFEIT PARTS: External provider represents and warrants that it has policies and procedures in place in compliance with AS5553 and AS6174 to ensure that none of the supplies or materials furnished under this Purchase Order are “suspect/counterfeit parts” andcertifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that no such partshave been or are being furnished to Buyer by external provider. Any suspect/counterfeit parts received by PACE will be held in quarantine pending further investigation. PACE reserves the right to notify appropriate authorities for any confirmed counterfeit parts.